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With Us

Volunteer  •  Invest  •  Adopt



Be the hands and feet
Here are some ways you can help:


  • Volunteer every Saturday morning from 9-Noon at our Compassion Ministries: Food Pantry and Clothing Closet.  Help our neighbors get food/clothing and also have the opportunity to pray with those in need.


  • You can also volunteer during Spring Break and Summer as we host mission teams from across Oklahoma and the US to serve in our communities.


Looking to Make a Great Spiritual
and Physical Investment?


We are always appreciative of gifts given to help us advance the cause. 

Here are some ways you can INVEST:


1.  Give monthly to help us do ministry in our communities.  These funds will go towards our weekly dinners in our communities and needs to minister to those who live in our communities.

2.  Help with remodeling.  Maybe you have the skills to remodel our campus and mobile homes.  Consider helping us as we create a space for the Tulsa metro area in meeting their needs.

Current Projects:

Mobile Missions Campus. 

  • We are needing to install showers in the building that will eventually house missionaries who serve with us.

  • We are also needing to install a shower in our main building for a room connected to space that will allow pastors and church leaders to utilize the space for retreats.

  • Painting the outside of our buildings.


Make to your own


Maybe you are local and looking for a ministry to serve in on a regular basis.  Adopt as an individual or a church a community.  This would look like helping with Thursday night dinners, planting a church in the community or helping with an after school program.  


We simply want to help churches move beyond the walls of the church to engage in mission.  Angus Church, Sand Springs and Evergreen Church, Bixby are two churches who have taken this challenge and are empowering their people to go beyond the walls.

Here are some ways you can help:


1.  Help with a Thursday night dinner at a current location

2.  Plant a church in the community 


3. Help with an after school program at a current location

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